The wedding is finally over. A huge load off our shoulders. Honestly never knew planning for a wedding was that stressful, especially when you've got less than a month to plan the entire event. Super proud of the husband that he managed to get almost everything done himself -- we didn't even have a wedding planner. Definitely wasn't an easy task and further affirms my decision that I've chosen the right man to marry. Post wedding, we've been slightly busier with baby matters. Went for our scan last week and it was such a heart warming moment to see baby dino wriggling inside. Sonographer commented on how active the baby was, which just reminds me that everything I've gone through so far was absolutely worth it. The morning sickness is getting better these days. I'm still extremely sensitive to smell, and it doesn't help that there's this smell in my office which I cannot take at all. I still feel nauseous every morning because of this stupid smell,...